I recommend this course for all ranks, especially if you're involved in OIS investigations, or reviewing them.
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This course (Force Encounters Analysis) should be required in all public safety agencies, from top to bottom, through the ranks. It should also be taught, in modules to arrest/control classes, firearms, field training, etc. Excellent class! There were NO topics presented that I felt were NOT applicable to my job.
As a firearms instructor I found this course (Force Encounters Analysis) to be invaluable. The concepts presented were relevant, up to date, and translated directly to patrol. Trust the science! It can save your life.
All the topics have a significant value to what we do in police work. I highly recommend this class (Force Encounters Analysis) for supervisors and those officers responsible for providing training.
Our IA investigators and command staff need to attend this class. I will use the information presented to consider the actions of people in stressful situations, and to train myself to overcome the effects of stress. This class really helped me understand some things I have experienced & why they happen. It also gave me a new perspective on investigating uses of force.
Force Encounters Analysis training provided a new way of thinking, and ways to avoid or handle lethal encounters. It also provided some great training material to bring back to my department.
The section on Memory was especially relevant without a doubt. This subject is confusing at first glance, but after thoroughly sifting through each portion it becomes quite understandable. Priming is very important, especially following an OIS. Another helpful topic was the section on Fatigue in Law Enforcement. Looking at the training aspects, I will immediately move to change my hardwire concepts which the presentation proved can be hazardous and possibly fatal, based on the mathematical equations presented.
I thoroughly enjoyed this class and found it very helpful. As an attorney, I would highly recommend it to other attorneys defending officers, the city, or police departments in 1983 lawsuits. Fabulous class!!!
The topics covered will give personnel who defend officers a wider understanding of how the constant stressors that are daily events, affect officers' behavior and cause physiological changes. This field of study presented by a qualified expert will help jurors decipher and understand the officer's decisions and actions in their defense.
Finally! Great training! This should be mandatory training for all Homicide/I.A. investigators and department managers. I will encourage my peers to attend this course.